Courgette flower (Zucchini blossom)


Aesthetically pleasing, courgette blooms also sometimes referred to as zucchini blossoms, have the flavour of courgette flowers mild, slightly sweet, and notes of squash. Courgette blossoms are a strong source of antioxidants, including vitamins A and C, and are low in calories. Additionally, they supply magnesium and potassium.

Courgette blossoms have a wide range of culinary applications in both savoury and sweet dishes (salads, risottos, frittatas, pastas etc) . The flowers can be stuffed or coated in a light batter and fried until crisp. Before cooking, carefully remove the stamen or pistil from the centre of the courgette blossom.

Best to consume them as soon as possible after harvesting or purchasing. Keep them in the fridge

Courgette flowers are normally available throughout summer.

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